
Thachom Poyil Rajeevan

Thachom Poyil Rajeevan writes in Malayalam and English. In English, he has published two poetry collections, Kannaki and He Who Was Gone Thus, and a novel, Undying Echoes of Silence. He has also edited an anthology of poems, Third Word: Post Socialist Poetry with the Croatian poet, Lana Derkac. His published works in Malayalam include three novels, six poetry collections, a travelogue, and an essay collection. He won the Kerala State Sahitya Akademi Award for the best novelist in 2014 and two of his novels in Malayalam were made into movies. His poems have been translated into more than fourteen languages, including French, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Macedonian, Uzbek, Croatian, Chinese, and Hebrew. He was awarded Iowa University’s International Writing Programme Fellowship, the Ledig House International Writer-in-Residence fellowship, the Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship for a residency at its Bellagio Centre in Italy, and the Shanghai Writers’ Association’s Fellowship.

  • A Yaksha in America

    About the Book

    Hebrew poet, translator and Editor-in-Chief, Helicon series of poetry

    The strength of Thachom Poyil Rajeevan’s poetry is rooted in the authentic evocation of the South Indian landscape of Kerala, especially his ability to do so with acute detail and clarity. We can smell, feel, and participate fully in the world he paints with his words. The inherent overlaying of the Malayalam and English tongues adds a subtle, but an important linguistic texture to his poetry. A welcome addition to contemporary English poetry in India.
    -Sudeep Sen
    Poetry Magazine
