
Dion D’Souza

Dion D’Souza is a poet and short fiction writer living in Mumbai. His work has appeared in several leading Indian journals, and was featured in the Big Bridge Anthology of Contemporary Indian Poetry II (2015) and 40 Under 40: An Anthology of Post-Globalisation Poetry (2016). He was shortlisted for the Toto Funds the Arts Creative Writing Prize in 2013 and the Raedleaf India Poetry Award in 2014.
D’Souza completed his postgraduate work in English Literature from the University of Mumbai. He has been working in the publishing industry for the last 11 years. His first collection of poems, Three Doors, was published by PoetryPrimero in 2016.

  • Three Doors

    About the Book

    Dion D’Souza’s Three Doors measures the metropolis through the interplay of precise details and sweeping panoramas, within which the poet-persona appears as a war correspondent reporting not from battlefields or barricades but from the commuter train, the flyover, the domestic interior. D’Souza’s empathetic eye settles on mottled stray dogs and kittens, beggars and maids, exhausted teachers and anxious students, on newly painted walls and doors that lead into parallel realities. To the beat of the slow train lurching across the tracks, D’Souza tweaks common-sense platitudes into ironic prayers: ‘Work is worship, ‘the commute is workshop. Make your peace: ‘Pick up your pieces.’ The irony is an antidote to the fragmentation that metropolitan experience can impose; the prayer is a wager on transcendence. The quotidian gives way to the epiphanic in these poems, as when the municipal pest-control agent, a familiar sight in mosquito-ridden Bombay, is transformed before our eyes into a figure of augury and portent, the priest of a mysterious cult, a Pied Piper ?moving as if through a monotonous dream, fumigating equipment in hand, the smoke/ rising heavenward behind him?. Three Doors announces a poet who is not afraid to commit himself to acts of intense testimony focused on all that is ‘shipwrecked on the shores of our everyday lives’; a poet whose ambition is to refine his sonar techniques, to be ‘bat-like’ … guided by the echoes’. – Ranjit Hoskote
